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MMANA-GAL / Re: Dimension edit query
« Last post by Igor Gontcharenko on 09 December 2024, 11:43:55 »
  Only a demo version GAL-ANA is available at the moment. As described on the download page the demo version is restricted by 4 wires, max, in MININEC3 and 40 segments, max, in NEC2 engine for new user`s file and edit existing demonstration *.gaa files (such as those downloaded from
   In other words, you can view and calculate demo *.gaa files, but not edit them.

  If you need to design your own antenna (or edit an existing file), you should use MMANA-GAL for the time being (until the full GAL-ANA is released).

In the attachment is the same antenna, but in *.maa format.

MMANA-GAL / Re: Dimension edit query
« Last post by Seismet on 06 December 2024, 18:59:15 »
Hello Igor

Thanks for the reply .
Correction to my previous post , I am using Gal-Ana (not Mmana)
I have attached the .gaa file , Having changed the file name I am still unable to edit the wire dimension from 2mm to 6mm

Thanks for any help
MMANA-GAL / Re: Dimension edit query
« Last post by Igor Gontcharenko on 06 December 2024, 16:05:33 »
By the way. Whenever you have a problem, please attach a *.maa file here.
MMANA-GAL / Re: Private messages
« Last post by Igor Gontcharenko on 06 December 2024, 13:51:42 »
Sorry for the delay. Answered in PM.
MMANA-GAL / Re: Dimension edit query
« Last post by Igor Gontcharenko on 06 December 2024, 10:55:38 »
First save the file with any other name.

All *.maa files from the distribution have the “Read only” label in their properties.
MMANA-GAL / Dimension edit query
« Last post by Seismet on 06 December 2024, 10:22:00 »
Hi All,
First time posting here

I am using Mmana_Gal to tryout a CP 144MHz yagi (the .maa file was obtained fron the net)
I wish to change the dimension on the elements from 2mm to 6mm.
There is what appears to be an editable box labeled "R" but it will not let me edit it , Is this because I am using a pre modelled file ?
or am I dong something wrong ?
Thanks for any help
MMANA-GAL / Private messages
« Last post by S52CQ on 05 December 2024, 22:30:23 »
Hi Igor,

I have sent you PM regarding MMANA-GAL, did you see it?

Thanks and best 73s de S52CQ, Jure
MMANA-GAL / Re: Helix model doesn't work
« Last post by Seegi on 06 November 2024, 08:02:38 »
Here I attached the file I used from EZNEC and a photo of the antenna.

Thanks and best regards
MMANA-GAL / Re: Helix model doesn't work
« Last post by Seegi on 06 November 2024, 07:59:42 »
Hello Igor,

first of all thanks for your quick answer and help. Unfortunately your model doesn´t represent the antenna as it should be.
But perhaps let me explain, what I wanted to do.
I bought a mobile antenna from the Brand smartEQ . It is designed for a frequency range of 375-480MHz and can be tuned to a frequency by cutting the top an the end according to a tuning table. What I want to know, when I cut the the antenna for 404MHz (A=150mm, B=686mm) and use it on 202MHz as a stacked 1/4λ+1/8λ, how will it behave? Therfore, I tried to model the geometry of the antenna as accurate as possible. I made the initial design in EZNEC, because it has this helix design function, but the program itself I don´t know, so the I switched to MMANA-GAL.
Due to the fact, that it is mounted on the car roof, I started with 1.5m above ground on the Z-axxis.
So the colors show the different sections I modeled. Yellow roof mount, green the hexagon with the thread, blue the 3mm Pole, pink the helix and so on...
For the helix itself there is also the calculation of the pure electrical specification, see attachment.

MMANA-GAL / Re: Helix model doesn't work
« Last post by Igor Gontcharenko on 05 November 2024, 23:46:11 »
Hi Seegi,

1. Not corect number og wires. Was 193, must be 189.
2. No ground or radials.

The correct file is in the attachment.

P.S. Wires 5 and 6 are not electrically connected. Is this the way it is designed? If not, go to the Wire Edit window and connect them together.

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